How I Doubled A 7-Figure Business In 63 Days

Are You Stuck Working “IN” Your Business?

In 2017 I helped a successful 7-figure business…

and doubled it in 63 days.

We didn’t create a new product.
We didn’t attract major investment.
We didn’t do anything you couldn’t…

We simply took an existing offer and optimized it, doubling revenue practically overnight. It was so direct and simple to do, and it kills me to see so many business owners leaving money on the table.

After you read this article, you WILL NOT be one of them.

But before we get into the 8-step process we took to double revenue in 63 days, I’d like to tell you how all this came about. Because although it may have gone down in 2017, this journey began in December 2014 when my future business partner Peter Voogd became my first client at ‘Epic Launch’.

Between 2014 and 2017, Epic Launch helped hundreds of authors become a bestseller. But Peter Voogd was our first client, and I’m still proud of what we achieved when launching his book, ‘6 Months to 6 Figures‘:

  • Overnight bestseller status…
  • 250,000+ copies sold to date (sales continue to go strong)…
  • Several products and offers built on the back of this book…

Because of our success, we quickly became more than just a book launch company. Peter and I built a relationship and we became his ‘marketing arm’, helping him create and sell several products and programs.

Then, one thing led to the next, and we decided to scale up together full-time.

I knew me and my team could blow things up and create some amazing results, which is what happened when we put our focus into the Game Changers Academy in May 2017. In just 63 days we:

  • Doubled the amount of email leads we received per week …
  • Improved sales conversion rates of new leads by more than 40% …
  • More than doubled the amount of applicants per week …
  • Built website traffic by more than 2X …

And ultimately doubled revenue in just two months!

In this article, I’ll show you how we did it in eight key steps, and if you too follow them…

…You can do the same — whether you’re making 6 or 7-figures.

If you have an established product or offer, we’ve proven over and over again you can optimize it and double your income (at least) with little extra effort or investment.

As well as doing this myself, I’ve helped clients achieve similar results, simply by optimizing and maximizing what they already have so they can achieve more with less. It’s crazy simple, yet so few entrepreneurs do it (which, if you ask me, is insane!)

So let me ask you…

  • Do you already have some traction…
  • But know there is an entirely new level you can achieve?
  • Have you realized that what got you “here” won’t get you to where you want to go next?
  • Are you ready to stop the slow growth and hit the accelerator?
If you can relate to any of these, this 8-step process will help you 2X your business and take your already successful offer to the next level. Not only will you make more money with what already exists, but you’ll:
  • Waste less of your own time and resources …
  • Have more energy to dedicate to your next big idea …
  • Spend less time working ‘in’ your business so you can instead work “on” it …
  • Scale your business, team and operations …
  • Fine tune your business so it can run without you (and never rely on you again) …
If you’re at a stage where you want to develop what you have so you don’t have to “hustle” so hard, this is the process you need, and this is how to 2X your business over the next 63 days.

Step 1: Get A Clear Understanding Of Where The Business Is.

You cannot get to your desired destination until you first understand where you are.

This was priority #1 when I partnered with Peter. At this stage, I had worked with him for a few years, so I had a good understanding of his business and how it worked. The problem was, as most entrepreneurs do, there was a lot going on.

There were several programs, products and offers. They were all high quality…

But I knew we couldn’t focus on everything, so we had to dive into the business and get a clear understanding of the numbers and what worked vs what didn’t.

In other words, I wanted to know what the 80/20 was…

This is where we begin with every new client at 2X. There’s always a lot you *could* focus on, but the only way to build success is to figure out the 20% of your business that brings in 80% of your revenue, opportunity and success.

This wasn’t obvious at first. After all, he had several successful products:

  • 6 Months to 6 Figures Program (the successful flagship program that accompanied Peter’s bestselling book)
  • The Productivity Excellence Training Program (a deep dive training into productivity)
  • 2 Books (‘6 Months to 6 Figures’ and ‘The Entrepreneur’s Blueprint to Massive Success’)
  • The Game Changers Academy (four levels of access; an elite community for millennial entrepreneurs)

Don’t get me wrong, this was a good problem to have, but it’s pointless to try and focus on everything.

You have to commit to less so you can focus more.

But you cannot do this unless you have a clear understanding of where your business is right now, so you can hone in on the “ONE” thing to focus on (in step 2).

Which is why we have our clients complete an in-depth survey before they work with us, because it’s important we get a 30,000 ft overview of their business from the beginning.

Once you have this, you can hone in on your “ONE thing” …

Step 2: Find Your “ONE Thing” (And Enhance Your Business Model To Drive That!)

At this stage you have created a 30,000 ft overview of the company and understand where the business is. In most cases, it will be obvious what your “ONE thing” is. In fact, I’ve yet to work with a client where it isn’t obvious at this stage.

That isn’t to say it’s easy to commit to your core focus.

Commiting to one thing means removing (or dialing back) on everything else, which can be hard to do when you were the one who created it in the first place.

It doesn’t matter.
You NEED to do this.

I’ve yet to work with a single client who doesn’t have an over-complicated business model. I have literally helped every single one of them remove parts of it, not add to it.

This is the only way to truly focus on your core offer!

So as well as committing to your “ONE thing” right now, you must also commit to optimizing your business model (which almost always involves simplifying it).

We do this with ALL our clients, even though they say (or at least think):

  • “I cannot get rid of this” …
  • “We’ve always done it this way” …
  • “All our products are important — we need to keep each one” …

It’s just your ego and fear of letting go.

Push past it, because you cannot improve your business model without simplifying it.


Like I say, this is often easier said than done. It’s one of the main reasons clients hire us at 2X, because we provide an outside, unbiased and expert insight into what your 80/20 “ONE thing” is.

And when I partnered with Peter, it was no different.
At first, he wanted to keep as much as possible, and he wanted to “do it all.”

But I brought the necessary outside perspective, and even though we partnered with Peter on this, we treated it like any other project at 2X; guiding our team through the 2X process so we could highlight the ONE thing that would help us best scale.

It didn’t take long to hone in on this…
It was clear, quickly, what we had to focus on…

It was the Platinum level of our Game Changers Academy.

At this stage, there were four levels of membership, but I knew we had to simplify and focus only on the one primary level.

I knew this was where we would double the business, and by removing everything else, it gave us the clarity, time and energy we needed to complete the rest of this 8-step process.

We were able to simplify the product, the message and the business model. Practically overnight, everyone on the team (from customer support to our copywriter) knew what to focus on and knew where we were heading in the coming months.

It was simple, and with simplicity comes the ability to BLOW UP!

Now, I must highlight that we DID NOT get rid of everything else.

We didn’t delete anything, and we didn’t close anything down. After all, products like the ‘6 Months to 6 Figures’ program continued to add value to the business, so there was no need to get rid of it.

But it was no longer our focus. Our thoughts, energy, tracking and numbers all centred on how to maximize the 80/20 – the Platinum sales of our core program.

We had our “ONE thing” and a simplified business model, and we were ready to level-up and scale-up.


First, we had to take a step back so we could make a few giant leaps later…

Step 3: Clean Up Your Low-Hanging Fruit.

It doesn’t matter what your business is and how tight of a ship you run, you WILL come across a lot of gaps, holes and issues when you complete steps 1 and 2. Some will be large and need a lot of resources; some will be small and need only a quick fix.

We call these small fixes: Low Hanging Fruit

Individually they may not add up to much, but collectively they can have a huge impact on your numbers, finances and time. So although it isn’t “sexy” to focus on the low-hanging fruit, it’s essential you do.

When we dove into Peter’s business, we came across a lot of low-hanging fruit:

  • Broken links and landing pages …
  • Optin forms not connected to a funnel …
  • Outdated links in emails …
  • Articles linking to outdated landing pages …

On their own these were minor fixes, but we were burning money in advertising and missing out on the traffic already coming to our site if we didn’t address them.

So before we focused on the major changes, we completed these minor ones during the first few weeks. I won’t lie, this wasn’t easy to do. We were tempted to skip this step and focus on those larger changes, but I’m glad we didn’t because stepping back here allowed us to make giant strides later.


As you can see, we saw a dip in both revenue and email subscribers for a short period while we fixed the low-hanging fruit. We dialed back on ad spend, so we could make some technical fixes and patched up the holes.

We switched certain funnels and optin forms off, and this all lead to a drop in leads and money.

BUT… it’s essential you do the same, because if you scale your marketing while these issues remain, you will NEVER achieve the results you can.

Imagine it as a boat with a leak in the bottom. No matter how incredible you make the rest of the boat, water will continue to come in and slow you down. Whereas if you patch-up the leak, you can get on with the rest of the restoration without any worries.

So no matter what your business or situation, DO NOT skip this step.

You will have some low-hanging fruit, and once you get rid of them, they will make a difference in the coming weeks and months. A couple of weeks is often all you need, at which point you can turn focus on those “sexier” fruits in harder to reach places…

Step 4: Identify The Key Leading & Lagging KPIs.

Once you have cleared up the low-hanging fruit, you need to focus on the key areas within your “ONE thing” that you can improve (and that will create the biggest impact in the shortest possible time).

To do this, it helps to identify your key leading and lagging KPIs.

Just a quick background… KPIs are “Key Performance Indicators”
AKA the essential numbers you NEED to know to drive your business forward!

Most people track revenue and expenses, but this isn’t enough. You need to get more in-depth to have more control of your business, so you need to consider your:

  • Leading KPIs: the front-end metric(s) you can control that lead to results on the back-end.
  • Lagging KPIs: the back-end metric(s) that are the key results of your efforts.

For instance, a Lagging KPI may be the total revenue from your new program, whereas the Leading KPI is the number of phone call applications you create. Most people tend to focus on Lagging KPIs (the back-end / results), whereas at 2X we help people turn their focus toward the Leading KPI because these allow more control and force you to be proactive.

It’s important to identify only a FEW key leading and lagging KPIs for your business, and once again a ‘less is more’ approach is the way to go.

There are a lot of metrics you could measure and track.
There are lots of areas you could look to fine tune and fix.

But your job isn’t to fix everything… it’s to focus on and fine tune your 80/20.

Of course, this is easier said than done. There’s usually a long list to choose from:

  • Landing page traffic…
  • Time on website….
  • Various ad conversions…
  • Sales page conversion rate…
  • Subscribers…
  • Unsubscribers…
  • Applications / phone calls…

to name a few…

You’ll have a lot of metrics you could consider, but often only one or two you should.

So you need to ask yourself:

“What ONE Indicator Should I Focus On That Will Help Double My Revenue In The Next 90 Days?”

This is the question we asked ourselves, and we quickly realized it was the number of applications we received. It’s not to say those other metrics (sales close ratio, email list size, avg. order value, etc.) aren’t important and you cannot optimize them in the future, but we knew if we increased the amount of applications that came in each week, we would close more customers and create more revenue.

This became our key Leading KPI: to go from 24 to 50 applications per week.

We directed everything we did after this step towards this goal.

  • Everyone knew what they had to do each day.
  • Everyone had focus, and everyone read off the same page.
  • Everyone played a piece in getting that number up.

This meant we could experiment with our marketing and drive more traffic, because as Peter Drucker once said, “what gets measured gets managed.”

We now had our “ONE thing” (Game Changers Academy) and our key metric to measure (amount of applications per week). However, there was one further step to take before we could do this…

Step 5: Setup A Tracking Dashboard For Team Awareness.

There’s no point setting up a goal like receiving 50 applications per week, if you then forget to track whether you are successful or not.

You measure something so you can properly manage it and improve it over time. And when it comes to managing yourself and a team, one word defines everything…


It’s vital you and your team stick to the plan and work towards your goal every single day. Because coming up with a plan is easy, but making it happen needs constant commitment. You need to hold them accountable, and the best way to do this is to create a tracking dashboard that reminds everyone on the team what they’re working towards (and why).

This breeds accountability throughout the team, but also keeps EVERYONE on the same page.

Depending on your business and offer, you may have two… five… ten… fifty people who are part of this process. They each have their own focus and worries, and they will get distracted and lose track.

A lack of accountability is one of the main reasons great ideas fail.

And it’s YOUR job to make sure this does not happen.

So please don’t skip this step and dive into the marketing. Take some time to set yourself up for success:

  • Create a “tracking” dashboard (either virtual or physical)…
  • Hold a weekly meeting to discuss progress (at least)…

These two simple actions make all the difference, and ensures everyone remains accountable to everyone else — from the beginning of the process, all the way to completion.

And don’t worry, you don’t need to over-complicate this dashboard.

For us, we used a Google Sheets spreadsheet that we updated before our team meetings (a weekly one where we went over everything, and a Daily Huddle so we could discuss any immediate actions).

That’s it.

This Continuous Reminder Keeps Everyone Focussed On What Their Goal Is, And Keeps Them ACCOUNTABLE!

Each day, they know what they have to do (what they’re working toward).
And then, each week (at least), hold a more indepth meeting where:

  • You discuss your Key KPI(s)…
  • Any issues or challenges…
  • Recent progress, and expected progress over the next 30 days…
  • New ideas to further improve the process…

These short meetings are all you need to ensure you and your team remain on the same page. If you don’t have them, you will lose track and you will not double your income or achieve your other goals.

It’s your job to create and manage this system so everyone knows what they’re striving towards. It’s your job to breed an environment where accountability is at the center. Once you do, you’re ready to experiment and get your hands dirty…

Step 6: Plan & Schedule A Marketing Event.

This is often the first aspect people want to focus on, but at 2X we encourage our clients to do this last.

Why? Because great marketing cannot fix a broken product, system or business model.

That is the harsh reality that trips up many business owners. They assume they can spend more on ads, optimize their webinar, hire someone to build an amazing funnel or produce more and more content, guaranteeing their success.

This Does Not Happen!

Marketing helps you scale what works.
But unless you have something that works to begin with, it achieves little.

So do not skip the rest of this 8-step process and focus on your marketing from the get-go.

If you do, you’ll become just another business owner stuck on the six-figure hamster wheel: working far harder and longer than you need to. Put in the groundwork first, so you can enjoy continued success.

Because at this stage:

  • You understand where your business currently is …
  • You have chosen your “ONE thing” to focus on, and improved your business model…
  • You have fixed the low-hanging fruit and got rid of what doesn’t work …
  • You know what your Key KPI(s) are, and you’re tracking them each day / week …

In other words, you’ve laid the foundations and are now ready to build the walls…

Of course, there’s a lot to choose from when it comes to choosing your marketing event:

  • Webinar …
  • Sales Video / Funnel …
  • Blog Post / Article …
  • Facebook Live …
  • In-Person Event …

Knowing what type of marketing event to use is hard, and there’s no right or wrong answer (only the one that best works for you). When working on Game Changers Academy, we knew a webinar would work because Peter had already used them to great success.

But we also knew they could achieve far greater results. So we focused ALL our energy on this single marketing event (a weekly live webinar), with the aim of improving it each time.

This is another area where business owners go wrong because they tend to create a webinar once and build a complex system so they can scale it as quickly as possible.

Do NOT do this!

Right now, focus on a single marketing event and keep doing it until you get it right. Our webinar did well from the beginning, but we knew it could perform better. So we spent the following weeks tweaking the:

  • Script…
  • Slides…
  • Call To Action…
  • Registration Page…
  • Sales Funnel…
All the while, we measured our success against whether it lead to more or less applications. We were open to any and all changes, and although this took a little time, we soon had a webinar ready to duplicate and automate, which is what you focus on next…

Step 7: Create A System To Scale

Here at 2X, we advocate the use of processes and systems, as it’s the only way to scale your business so you can work “on” it instead of ‘in’ it.

The thing is…
You have to know when to flip the switch.

Automate and scale too soon, you will sabotage your bottom line.
Automate and scale too late, you will sabotage yourself.

It’s easy to automate and duplicate almost any marketing event these days. The tools you need are affordable and available. You should use them as often as you can, but only when the time is right.

So… when is this perfect time?

It’s when your single marketing event turns over a consistent (and ever-growing) profit. It’s when you’re confident it’s working as well as it can, and you cannot make any further improvements.

This is what we did with the Game Changers Academy webinar.

It performed well from day one, but it was far from perfect.
So we kept tweaking it until we believed it was “ready”.

Once we did, we:

  • Created reoccurring live webinars…
  • Did two live webinars each week (instead of one)…
  • Had evergreen replays…
  • Drove more traffic towards the registration page (increased our FB ad budget — A LOT)…
  • Switched the sales funnel into an evergreen / automated version…
This is the part of the process where you tend to see your biggest spikes.
  • In the beginning, you see small growth (maybe even a few blips).
  • Then you watch your growth consistently increase, but at a steady rate…
  • You’re unsure if you’ll meet your goal, but then you duplicate and automate…

And BOOM… your growth spikes.

How you duplicate and automate your marketing event(s) depends on your business and offer. But I’ve yet to work with a client where this sort of automation and duplication cannot take place. This is how you scale, and this is how you 2X your revenue in a short space of time.

But don’t think that’s it.

Your growth will continue so long as you fuel the fire, and continue to iterate and improve. There’s no such thing as perfection, and there’s always room for improvement. This is where we finish this 8-step process, because it’s time to dive into your next bottleneck…

Step 8: Focus On Your Next Bottleneck

People tend to assume success comes down to big ideas and big innovation. This helps, but most success happens due to a compound effect.

In other words…

Small Wins Create BIG Rewards

This isn’t sexy or exciting, and people don’t tend to talk about “small wins” during interviews or on Facebook. But show me a successful business owner, and I’ll show you someone who found something that worked, optimized it, and then continued to improve it bit-by-bit over a long period of time.

When I work with clients, they often get to this stage and want to move onto their next idea. They figure they have this successful offer working while they sleep, so it’s time to move onto their next big project.

This is insane!

Right now you have something that’s working well for you, but it is NOT perfect.

There’s always another bottleneck, and there’s always something you missed (or that’s come about since you optimized the business model / marketing).

We may have doubled revenue with the Game Changers Academy in 63 days, but we still found several bottlenecks that we needed to fix so we could create the biggest impact.

The biggest centered around the number of people who arranged a phone call with us…

We reached our applications goal and improved that whole process, but there was still a drop-off between people who applied and those who followed through with a phone call.

So this is what we addressed next, because we knew if we could get more people on the phone and improve the sales pitch, we would continue to grow revenue month-on-month.

  • We improved the marketing funnel that lead into the phone call …
  • We fine tuned the sales call script / pitch …
  • We put more resources into training the sales team…

We improved (and achieved) a lot in 63 days, but there was still room for improvement.

And that’s the point!

Whether you’re at $10k per month or $1,000,000… there’s ALWAYS another bottleneck to address!

It’s this final step that separates the best business owners from everyone else, and it’s often when good offers become GREAT. Yet this is also the step so many business owners skip, because they move onto their next “big idea” without finishing what they started.

Fight this temptation.

It’s far easier to grow an already successful product than it is to build a new one from scratch…

So There You Go… An 8-Step Process Designed To Double Your Revenue In 63 Days (Or Less).

If you commit to this process, YOU WILL double your income in a short period of time, whether you’re at six or seven figures. This process is something everyone can do, and for the most part it’s simple.

But most people don’t do it, because most business owners get distracted by new ideas, new opportunities, and new shiny objects. They don’t finish what they start, and they don’t optimize their already successful product / service / offer.

It kills me to see.
It’s like throwing away money.

I hope you’re ready to commit to this 8-step process and turn your already good offer into a great one.

If you do, you’ll:

  • Waste less of your own time and resources …
  • Have more energy to dedicate on your next big idea …
  • Spend less time working ‘in’ your business so you can instead work “on” it …
  • Scale your business, team and operations …
  • Fine tune your business so it can run without you (and never rely on you again) …

Isn’t this the whole point of owning a business?

Now, if you’d like further help making this happen, we have a 90-day done-with-you coaching program that is designed for 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs to help you more than double your business in the next 90 days.

We help you dial in your strategy, simplify your approach, implement the key systems necessary and ultimately build a strong, successful business in just 90 days. We would love to have you be one of our many success stories. If you need help scaling and want a results-guaranteed coaching program and system, then apply below to see if you qualify.

We’ll breakdown your business on a free strategy call to show you the path to scale.

See you on the inside…

The Playbook To 7+ Figures

This has been called “the business Bible for 6-figure entrepreneurs”… now you can get it with exclusive bonuses for a crazy low price!

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