Working From Home Balancing Tips For Entrepreneurs

Guest Post By Pam Wiselogel // WFH Adviser

Are You Stuck Working “IN” Your Business?

Are you an entrepreneur who is struggling to balance work and life? Are you finding it hard to stay focused when working from home? If so, you are not alone. Many entrepreneurs face this same challenge.


There are many reasons why entrepreneurship is difficult. One reason is that it can be very isolating. When you’re the one in charge, you must make all the decisions and there’s no one to bounce ideas off or to help shoulder the burden. This can be extremely stressful and can lead to burnout.

Another reason entrepreneurship is tough is that it’s very risky. You’re putting your own money on the line, and if things don’t go well, you could lose everything. This can be a scary proposition, especially if you have a family to support.

Finally, entrepreneurship is difficult because it’s not always glamorous. It can be long hours, working on something that you’re passionate about but that may not make a lot of money right away. It can be difficult to stay motivated when the going gets tough and there’s no one else to pick you up.

These are just a few of the reasons why entrepreneurship is hard. But it’s also incredibly rewarding, and if you’re up for the challenge, it can be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do.

In this article, we will discuss some strategies that can help you succeed when working from home. So, whether you are an entrepreneur or a remote corporate employee, read on for helpful advice!

Setting Up Your Home Office When Working From Home

It can be difficult to stay focused when working from home, especially if there are other people or pets in the house. Creating a designated workspace in your home separate from the living and sleeping areas can help to create a barrier between work and home life.

This can be done by using an unused corner of your living room, setting up a small desk in your bedroom, or even carving out a spot in the garage. Having a designated space will help you to stay focused, avoid distractions, and be more productive.

Once your office is in place, set boundaries with friends and family to let them know when you’re working and when you’re available to talk. You can do this by setting up an “office hours” schedule or letting them know when you’re taking breaks. This will help them understand your schedule and respect your time.

Working From Home Best Practices

Working from home comes with many distractions. One of the most challenging things about working from home is staying focused. With so many potential distractions – from the comfort of your own bed to the never-ending list of household chores – it can be difficult to stay on task.

Use the following best practices to stay the course:

1. Establish A Specific Work Schedule And Stick To It As Closely As Possible

You are more productive when you set a specific work schedule because you’re less likely to get sidetracked. Of course, there will be days when you can’t stick to your schedule 100% but try to stick to it as closely as possible.

One way to make sure you stick to your work schedule is to set daily and weekly goals. Write down what you need to accomplish each day and each week, and then do your best to accomplish those goals. If you find that you’re consistently not meeting your goals, adjust your schedule accordingly.

The best tips to stay on track include the following:

  • Skip the inbox. Your email inbox is not your to-do list. If you start your day by checking and responding to emails, you’re setting yourself up for a reactive day instead of a proactive one.
  • Start each day with a plan. Write down the three most important things you need to accomplish that day and do them first thing in the morning before you check email or social media.
  • Invest in a planner. A physical planner can help you keep track of your to-dos, both work-related and personal. Write down what you need to do each day or each week, and then refer to your planner when it’s time to move on to a new task.
  • Block out time for specific tasks. Dedicate an hour to checking and responding to emails, two hours for writing, and so on. This will help you stay on track and avoid getting sidetracked by less important tasks.
  • Use a timer. Set a timer for 20 minutes to accomplish a task. After that time, set the timer for a 5-minute break. Continue this throughout your workday. By setting a timer to a specific timeframe, your mind will focus more during that time so you will work more efficiently to accomplish more.

2. Stay Organized

If you have a lot on your plate, a calendar can help you keep track of everything. Write down all your appointments and deadlines, so you know exactly what needs to be done and when. This will help you stay organized and on top of your commitments.

Some good online calendars include Google Calendar and Apple’s iCloud. There are also many apps that can help you stay organized, like Wunderlist and Evernote. Find the system that works best for you and stick to it. This will help ensure that you always know what’s coming up next.

If you have trouble keeping track of your calendar, set reminders for yourself. This way, you’ll always know when something is due, and you won’t have to worry about forgetting anything important.

With a little bit of effort, you can easily stay on top of your schedule. Just find a system that works for you and stick to it. soon, staying organized will become second nature.

3. Take Breaks Working From Home

When you sit too long, your brain will feel the effects. It’s not just your brain that will suffer when you sit for long periods of time; your whole body will pay the price.

Your metabolism will slow down, and you’ll be more likely to develop obesity, type II diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Even if you exercise regularly, it won’t be enough to offset the damage caused by sitting.

The best solution is to simply stand up and move around as much as possible, even if it’s 10-15 minutes. Every hour you should get up and walk around, stretch, or grab a snack to re-energize yourself. It’s important to take care of your physical needs so you can stay focused and productive.

You might also consider a standing or adjustable desk. Allowing yourself to move between sitting and standing throughout the day will do wonders for your body and brain. Just a little bit of extra activity can make a big difference in your health.

So next time you find yourself sitting for too long, remember that your brain and body are suffering. Get up and move around to stay healthy!


4. Connect With Other Entrepreneurs For Support And Accountability

This can be done in person or virtually. If you live in a remote area, there are plenty of online communities you can join where you can connect with other entrepreneurs from around the globe. You can also join local entrepreneur meetups or start your own group. Whatever route you decide to go, make sure you surround yourself with like-minded individuals who will support your journey.

Having a strong support system is essential when working from home, because let’s face it, running a business is not always easy. So, find your tribe and stick with them! You’ll be glad you did.

Avoid working all hours of the day and night – make time for yourself and do things you enjoy outside of work.

5. Productivity Tools

Technology can be a great asset in the productivity battle, but only if used wisely. If you find yourself easily distracted by your phone, try putting it in another room or turning off notifications. And if you find yourself spending too much time on social media, consider using a tool like Freedom to block access during work hours when you need to focus.

There are many great apps that can help you manage your time more effectively, like:

  • FocusMe – helps with time management and building better habits
  • RescueTime – gives you insights into how you spend your time and provides tools for taking back control
  • Toggl – tracks time spent on projects so you can find ways to be more efficient
  • Habitica – turns tracking and developing good habits into a fun game
  • Todoist – allows you to create to-do lists and custom schedules so you can stay on organized
  • Evernote – provides a great way to organize your thoughts and ideas
  • Asana – helps you keep track of your tasks and goals

There are a lot of great productivity tools out there, so find the ones that work best for you and your workflow. With a little help from technology, you can boost your productivity and get things done!

6. Dress For Success

When dealing with others, if you want to be taken seriously and feel good about yourself, dress for success! It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, what job you have, or where you work—what matters is that you make the effort to look polished and put-together.

Here are a few tips:

  • Invest in a few key pieces that you can mix and match. A versatile blazer, for example, can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with color and pattern. Wearing bold hues or prints will make you stand out in a sea of black suits.
  • Pay attention to the details. Make sure your clothes are well-tailored and that you have a good grooming routine.

Even if you are working from home, you should still change into your work clothes. This is because getting dressed for work can help to put you in the right mindset for being productive. It can also make you feel more professional and help you to avoid distractions.

Avoid wearing clothes that are too comfortable. Doing so can make it harder for you to focus on work. Instead, opt for something that is both comfortable and professional.

While you may not have to worry about what other people think of your appearance, it is still important to dress for success. When you dress professionally, you feel more confident and capable. This feeling will translate into achievement of goals and improved work performance.

7. Tips To Improve Your Work From Home Space Without Spending Much Money

One way to improve your work-from-home space without spending much money is to get creative with your storage. For example, use large baskets or crates to hold your materials and supplies, and hang shelves on the walls to store books and other office supplies. This will help you to keep your work area organized and tidy, which can help you to focus better on your work.

Here are other ways to improve your WFH space:

  • Buy a large piece of art for your wall. This can be something that inspires you or simply makes you happy. Having something to look at will help you feel more productive and creative.
  • Create a “focus zone.” This is an area in your home office where you will only work and nothing else will be allowed in that space. This will help you stay focused and avoid distractions.
  • Set up a standing desk. Standing while you work can help improve your energy and productivity. If you don’t want to buy a new desk, you can always try using a laptop stand or even a countertop.
  • Invest in some good quality office supplies. Having nice pens, paper, and folders can help you feel more professional and motivated to work.
  • Take advantage of natural light. If possible, try to set up your office near a window so that you can get some natural light during the day. This will help improve your mood and energy levels.

8. Step Away From The Job

When working from home, it’s important to leave your work behind at the end of the day. Just because you don’t have to commute doesn’t mean you should work all night. The perk of a WFH job is the ability to spend time with your family.

If you’ve set clear boundaries, you should have no trouble disconnecting from work.
Take off on the weekends or during the week and disconnect from work as much as possible on your days off. This will help you avoid burnout and stay fresh for the work week ahead.

Working from home is a great opportunity to create a better work environment for yourself. You can make it work by being intentional about your time and setting boundaries. With a little effort, you can take control of your time and find the perfect work-life balance.

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